Friday, March 11, 2011

Spanish Wedding Cards Congratulations

book shows human skin

Nella biblioteca di Devon, in Inghilterra, c’è un libro rilegato in pelle umana. E’ stato anche esposto il Local History Day, cosicché tutti potessero ammirare questo macabro volume, che risale alla metà dell’Ottocento.

E’ un volume di poesie di John Milton fatto con l’epidermide di tale George Cudmore, che nel 1830 fu impiccato per aver ucciso la moglie Grace. A farsene pregio è la Westcountry Studies Library.

Nella foto il libro che verrà esposto in Inghilterra.

(Click image to enlarge)

books in human skin are not as rare as you might think. Most recent date back to 1800, and were quite common in France, at least until the French Revolution. Sometimes, the acts of the process is bound with the skin of the prisoner. It also happened that, after his death, wealthy people would use their skin to bind the memories to hand down to posterity.

E 'own French protagonist of the book chronicles a recent case, which took place in Leeds, where they found a way to prayer book in the language of Balzac, probably left there by a thief who got scared and did not even tried to sell it.

A true expert is the librarian at the University of Berkley, Anthony Bliss. At National Geographic, Bliss said that among the shelves of the prestigious University of California, there are books like that.


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