Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How To Have A Wife Mount And

I love sushi

Apprezzo molto la cucina interculturale, mi piace spaziare.

Attraverso food learn to know the different flavors of the cultures that surround me. The food I join them, it's like the flavor I learn, at least in part, the eating habits of a people. But since they do not always have the opportunity to move to go and taste the dishes on the spot, I do it through the restaurants that our neighbors have to offer, because this a bit, although for a few hours, helping me to dream, It is as if for a moment I felt there, in those distant places.

But between all the different types of food, what I prefer most of all is the sushi. When I eat it is as if I were in ecstasy . Every bite is pure orgasm for my palate.

Eppure a ripensarci, la prima volta che l'ho assaggiato mi faceva parecchio schifo.

Poi non so, con il tempo ho cominciato ad apprezzarlo ed ora non ne posso più fare a meno. Ogni tanto, devo andare assolutamente a mangiarlo, altrimenti comincio a sentirne la mancanza.

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Woke Up Out Of Balance

Tre e solo tre puntini (...)

Stanotte ho sognato, e premetto di non ricordarmi in quale contesto mi trovavo, di stare di fronte something, such as a blackboard. There was a girl, and wrote, oh a girl think it's adult child, and instead of putting the three dots (...), as it is right that we should put, put it ......... infinity.
I longed to cope with this, because for me, is a colossal mistake and tried to teach or not to put the two dots (..) nor more (.......), but three (...) . Furthermore, I suggested not to put their own, the dots, but try to finish the sentences with just the point.
But this we do not want to hear, and continued to put his shit about infinity (.........) dots. Eventually I
are so Scazzi and I woke up.

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Milena Velba.archives

Leggere dentro

Often happens that my friends stating: " but you're a bit 'sensitive, but ... ," and I tell them: " are not sensitive, I . I'm smart." Upon hearing this, burst into laughter.

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Boobs Showing Heroines

Le due Ester@fatte

Corinna ed io, per il carnevale appena trascorso, ci siamo comprate due cappellini distinti: io da Ape e lei da Pecora . Questo perché assieme volevamo rappresentare una sola cosa: l'apecorinna .

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

How This Fits With Your Career Aspirations

Almeno secondo me

not that proves his dissatisfaction towards the political class is not going to vote, but their outrage at it more shows going to vote and leave the card blank.

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