Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How To Have A Wife Mount And

I love sushi

Apprezzo molto la cucina interculturale, mi piace spaziare.

Attraverso food learn to know the different flavors of the cultures that surround me. The food I join them, it's like the flavor I learn, at least in part, the eating habits of a people. But since they do not always have the opportunity to move to go and taste the dishes on the spot, I do it through the restaurants that our neighbors have to offer, because this a bit, although for a few hours, helping me to dream, It is as if for a moment I felt there, in those distant places.

But between all the different types of food, what I prefer most of all is the sushi. When I eat it is as if I were in ecstasy . Every bite is pure orgasm for my palate.

Eppure a ripensarci, la prima volta che l'ho assaggiato mi faceva parecchio schifo.

Poi non so, con il tempo ho cominciato ad apprezzarlo ed ora non ne posso piĆ¹ fare a meno. Ogni tanto, devo andare assolutamente a mangiarlo, altrimenti comincio a sentirne la mancanza.

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