Monday, September 14, 2009

How Long Is A Kodachi

Francis Combes poet of the working class. Three poems

No, the earth is not round
If the earth was round
This would
If you would know the earth was round
There would be, first,
Some very top,
and others, most of the other Basically,
quite often just the end ... If the earth was round

no country could be said to be the center of the earth

because everyone would be at the center.
And all the men all around the earth, and the earth goes through
because the earth is not round.
In any case,
not yet. * * * * * Small
soldier among Afghan

The soldier is left for the war to liberate the good humanitarian

with Afghans, in his equipment, pharmaceutical
a box of good feelings, a roller
sparatrappo democratic rights of
'Men in tablets, a syrup
and for the liberation of women
some more bomb and some ammunition. But here

that still need to send other young soldiers,
more and more little soldiers, because the despicable

Afghans do not understand all the good that we want with our humanitarian war. The contemptible little

Afghans do not want them free.

Traduzione: Giancarlo Cavallo

* * * * * *

Tra di noi, niente politica
quelli che stanno in alto non gradiscono che quelli in basso
si immischino dei loro affari
e - poiché queste cose sono ben fatte –
generalmente, quelli in basso
preferiscono non immischiarsi
degli affari di quelli che stanno in alto…

Così, tutto può continuare come se nulla fosse
e l’alto e il basso possono restare al loro posto.

Traduzione: Giancarlo Cavallo

Francis Combes vive con la moglie e i figli nella "cintura rossa", un sobborgo worker in Paris. He has published 15 collections of poetry, the most recent being Le carnet bleu de Chine, poetic diary of a recent trip to China
. And 'one of the founders of the cooperative publishing "Le temps des cerises", which publishes both poetry and political texts, and has also translated several French poets - including the Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. One of his poems, recently published in English translation in the journal Logos, had been published previously in the collection Cause Commune, a book of poems dll'utopia on the history of revolution and hope.

taken from


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