Stato d'assedio
Qui, sui pendii delle colline, dinanzi al crepuscolo e alla legge del tempo
Vicino ai giardini dalle ombre spezzate,
Facciamo come fanno i prigionieri,
Facciamo come fanno i disoccupati:
Coltiviamo la speranza.
Un paese che si prepara all’alba. Diventiamo meno intelligenti
Perché spiamo l’ora della vittoria:
Non c’è notte nella nostra notte illuminata
Da una pioggia di bombe.
Our enemies are watching,
Our enemies come on to us the light
darkness of the underground.
Here, no "I".
Here, Adam remembers that his
is made of clay dust.
In point of death, says My future is in my hand. soon penetrate into my life,

Here, between spirals of smoke on the steps of the house, no time for
time. As someone who stands
forget the pain.
Nothing here echoes Homer.
Myths come knocking on our door, if they want.
Nothing echoes Homer. Here, a general
Dig for a
was asleep under the ruins of Troy to come.
you, standing in the doorway, entrance fees,
Drink Arabic coffee with us.
hear that you are men like us.
you, standing in the doorway of the houses, out of our
dawn. We feel sure to be
Men like you!
When the planes disappear, the doves soar
white, wash the cheeks of heaven With
wings free, and pick up the glow
age and the possession game. At the top, even higher
The doves fly off white. Ah, if the sky
were true ... (I said a man running between two bombs).
Cypresses behind the soldiers, minarets that rise
Not to bring down the sky. Behind the iron fence
piss soldiers - the shelter of a tank -
And the autumnal day ends its trajectory golden
In a street as wide as a church after Sunday mass ...
(at a murderess) If I had contemplated the
victim's face and thought, you would have remembered your mother in-room
Gas, why would you have thrown away the gun
It'd changed his mind: that's not how you find an identity.
The siege is waiting, waiting on a scale
Where more inclined raging hurricane.
Suns, we're just drinking the bitter cup,
If it were not for the visits of the rainbow.
We have brothers behind the esplanade,
good brother, who love us. Look at us and cry.
Then you say in secret:
"Ah! If quest'assedio be declared ... "They leave the sentence unfinished
" Do not leave us alone, do not forget us. "
Our losses: between two and eight martyrs, day after day.
And ten wounded.
And twenty homes. And fifty olive trees ...
Add to the intrinsic loss
What is the poem, the play, the unfinished canvas.
A woman told the cloud: cover my
Because I loved her clothes drenched with his blood.
If you are not rain, my love Be tree
Brimming with fertility, be tree If you are not
tree, my love Be stone
saturated humidity, be stone
If you are not stone, my love Be moon
In the dream of the beloved, be
moon (So a woman who gave burial to his son)
O watchmen! Are not you tired of spying on the
light in our salt And the glow of the rose in our wound,
You're not tired, watchmen?
A strip of this infinite absolute blue
would be enough to alleviate the burden of this time
And wipe the mud from this place.
that the soul falls from his horse and walk with steps
On my side, hand in hand, like two longtime friends who share
dry bread
And a glass of wine from old vines,
To to cross this road together.
Then our day will follow different paths: I
beyond nature, and you, you prefer to climb up another
Siamo lontani dal nostro destino come gli uccelli
Che fanno il nido negli anfratti delle statue,
O nella cappa del camino, o nelle tende
Dove riposava il principe andando a caccia.
Sulle mie macerie spunta verde l’ombra,
E il lupo sonnecchia sulla pelle della mia capra.
Sogna come me, come l’angelo,
Che la vita sia qui… non laggiù.
Quando si è assediati, il tempo diventa spazio
Pietrificato nella sua eternità
Quando si è assediati, lo spazio diventa tempo
Che ha fallito il suo ieri e il suo domani.
Questo martire mi assedia ogni volta che vedo spuntare un nuovo giorno
E mi chiede: Where were you? Note on dictionaries
All words that I've offered free
And the sleepers from the echo ringing.
Martyr explained to me: I did not look beyond the plain
the virgins of immortality, because I love life
On earth, among the pines and fig trees,
But it was inaccessible, so I took aim With
the last thing that belongs to me: the blood
In the body of blue.
The martyr warned me: Do not believe their stories
Believe me, father, when I look at my pictures and get tears:
How could you share our lives, my son,
Why did you before? I was there, I was there first!
The martyr me no respite: I just moved my furniture
With worn.
I put a gazelle on my bed,
and a crescent moon on my finger,
To relieve my pain.
The siege will continue, to convince us to choose
A slavery that does not hurt,
in freedom!
Resisting is: Make sure
force of the heart and testes, and your tenacious evil: Evil
of hope.
in what remains of the dawn, I walk to my outer shell
in what remains of the night, listening to the sound of footsteps echoing inside me
greet people like me who chases
The intoxication light, the splendor of the butterfly,
darkness of this tunnel.
greet those who drink with me from my glass
In the darkness of a night that both surrounds us:
greet my ghost.
For me, my friends always prepare a feast
from God, a quiet burial in the shade of the oaks
An epitaph carved into the marble of time
And always at the funeral ran before them:
who died ... who?
Writing is a puppy biting nothingness Writing
wounds without a trace of blood.
Our cups of coffee. The birds, the green trees
shadow blue, the sun slips wall
In the wall of a gazelle leaps
Water from the clouds as unlimited - all that remains.
Heaven. And other things
suspended by memories Reveal that this morning is powerful splendor
And we are the guests of eternity.
(from Le Monde Diplomatique, April 2002)
Mahmoud Darwish (Arabic: محمود درويش; al-Birweh, March 13, 1941 - Houston, Texas, August 9, 2008) was a Palestinian poet and writer.
is the author of twenty books of poems (published since 1964) and seven works of prose, argument or narrative essay. It is considered among the greatest poets in Arabic. He was a journalist and editor of literary magazine "Al-Karmel (Caramel), and from 1994 was a member of Parliament Palestinian National Authority.
His books have been translated into over twenty languages \u200b\u200band distributed worldwide. Only a small part of his literary output has been translated into Italian. [1] It is also the lack of English translation of his work.
Mahmoud Darwish was born in 1941 in the village of al-Birweh, located in upper Galilee to the east of the city of Akko (Acre). His home village is now destroyed and no longer present on the cards. In 1948 - the first Arab-Israeli conflict - the army di Israele scacciò gli abitanti di Birweh e rase suolo completamente l’abitato. Lo stesso destino era toccato ad altre quattrocento località palestinesi in seguito all’operazione di pulizia etnica compiuta dagli israeliani nella fase finale della guerra. I genitori di Mahmoud cercarono rifugio in Libano con il resto della popolazione per sfuggire ai massacri, ma furono tra i pochissimi che riuscirono rientrare nel loro paese, illegalmente, dopo appena un anno. Nel frattempo però la loro terra d’origine era diventata parte dello stato di Israele, i loro beni confiscati ed essi non godevano più di alcun diritto di cittadinanza.
In questa condizione fin da bambino Darwish si trovò nello status legale di “alieno”, citizen who resides as a "guest illegal" in his own country. As a young man was arrested and sentenced to prison several times, for being in Israel without a permit and for having recited poems in public. Stuido also the Hebrew language Israeli perfecting the knowledge of his native tongue. Began his journalism at nineteen, joined the university was not able to graduate because of interruption of studies during the periods spent in prison, although the Soviet Union in Moscow in 1971 he built a solid linguistic and literary .
He published his first collection of poems, Leaves of Olives, in 1964. It is a work which transforms in the framework of strong impact Palestinian national identity. They became famous poems that tell of the painful condition of exile and crazy. The poetry of Mahmoud Darwish's career, since the original publication, ongoing ties with the ideals armed struggle of the Palestinian people to return to his homeland (the activities of armed groups also began in 1964). Darwish's poetry took on a role as a collective reference to the Palestinian cause.
was director of the local newspaper Ittihad (Unity) until 1970. In that year, finally abandoned the Palestine / Israel for a period of study in the Soviet Union. Since that time spent his life residing at different periods in the main cities of the Arab world: Cairo, Beirut, Amman. In Beirut, directed a monthly Palestinian Authority (Shu'ūn Filistīniyya, "Palestinian Affairs"), then became director of the Palestinian literary journal al-Karmel, "published by a department of the PLO. He lived for a long time in Beirut until 1982, when the city was besieged by the Israeli army. Darwish had to leave Lebanon along with the General Staff and the Executive Committee of the PLO (the governing body of the PLO). After a period of exile in Cyprus, lived between Beirut and Paris. He also worked at the Cairo daily newspaper al-Ahram. "
The second half of the year Ottanta furono l’epoca del suo maggiore impegno politico. Nel 1987 fu eletto nel Comitato Esecutivo dell'OLP. (Sempre nell'87 Darwish partecipa a Firenze alla rassegna "Poeti del Mediterraneo per la Pace", organizzato dagli Enti locali e dalla rivista culturale Collettivo R. Con Darwish ci sono lo spagnolo Goytisolo, l'italojugoslavo Damiani, l'israeiliana Ravilovich, il greco Apostolatos...).
In parte i suoi spostamenti dell’epoca e particolari della sua vita sono segreti (per ragioni di sicurezza ciò valeva per tutti gli esponenti di organizzazioni palestinesi). Darwish era stato una figura politica dalla metà degli anni Sessanta, quendo entrò nel Partito Comunista di Israele (Rakah). La sua carriera politica took place in the PLO, however, and became one of the paintings. At the time of his election was considered a representative decision-making body of the 'hard wing', the current defending further the principle of the right of return of refugees and the "destruction" of the State of Israel. He resigned from the Executive Committee, six years later, in 1993, as being contrary to the Oslo Accords (Yasser Arafat accused of excessive subservience in the negotiations).
Mahmoud Darwish drafted the Declaration of Independence of the Palestinian State, a document promulgated in 1988 and recognized by other states.
In 1996, after 26 years of exile, he obtained permission to visit his family in the state of Israel. It is again the director of "al-Karmel (re-established in the meantime) and was elected to the Palestinian Legislative Council in the territories, still occupied today.
Mahmourd Darwish, who was a heavy smoker, died at the age of 67 years in Houston (Texas) August 10, 2008 for the complications of a delicate heart surgery. As early as 1984 and in 1998 he had suffered mild heart surgery.
Mahmoud Darwish was in contact for years with Casa of poetry who has used his lyrics and his writings during various events.
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