Friday, October 31, 2008

Masterbate With Banana Get Stuck

Ho scoperto l'acqua calda

Who is the "feel-good" ? I never asked that question until such time as I have not heard the Roby Corna Gervaso a fever and one morning at six, really talk about this topic.

Damn, what I share your opinion about it.

In brief words, according to Gervase, and now in my opinion, is nothing but feel-good who poses as a good person to get only their own purposes and interests, and then put straight in the ass (in no uncertain terms). The feel-good
is a filthy selfish, a liar. Never trust the feel-good, the worst part of the human species, is the dregs of society, an outcast.

If you happen to listen to Gervase, you will realize that around you there is at least a feel-good.
But the great thing and can be fun, is that it is not at all difficult to recognize this fact, are very easy to expose, so if you recognize you can have fun, or better yet, if you do not want to waste your time or your energy, you can simply choose to ignore.
Just know how attitude and you find immediately.
Fondametale is: Never confuse the person by the feel-good good. It's like comparing the sun to the sewer.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

Gay Cruising Wilmington Nc

Da buona narcisista che sono : Ariecchemeeeee

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